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New Fake Antivirus

New Fake Antivirus

The bad guys have released a new rogue (fake anti-virus/anti-malware ) program that pretends to be Microsoft Security Essentials, a legitimate program that protects your PC against spyware and other bad things. The usual method of infection is by visiting websites that use a vulnerability in your browser to install this software without your knowledge. It may also be installed by clicking on a link that does the same thing. The malware will first show the following screen notifiing you that your system is ‘infected’:

The giveaway that this is just not right is the next list of products that can ‘fix’ this non-existent infection. Surprisingly, only some unknown software can ‘fix’ your computer. Do not fall for this.

If you are infected run a legitimate anti-malware program such as the free Malwarebytes.


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