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WiFi in Your Pocket

WiFi in Your Pocket

One of the biggest annoyances when you travel is that the wireless signal in your hotel room is too weak (and probably insecure). Most rooms have a network jack but that is useless if you want to get online with your tablet or use the wifi on your phone to make calls to avoid roaming charges. It is also not very convenient if you want to get online anywhere else in your room besides the desk (e.g., your bed).

Solution: Nano Wireless Routers

Nano Wireless Routers are tiny devices that plug into a network jack  and provide wireless access to a small area (e.g., your hotel room). They are only a few ounces and are smaller then a credit card. They can be powered by a standard wall outlet or from a USB port on a computer. The best part is that they are not expensive at all ($25-$50).

If you would like more information on Nano Wireless Routers or how to keep your computers secure when traveling overseas please contact Wireguided.


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Andrew HegartyAndrew HegartySr. Engineer | Faulkner Hospital

"Since Wireguided has taken over the care of our IT things have been much easier for us. They are only a phone call away."

Lisa WollastonLisa WollastonOffice Manager | Sweezey Fence Erectors



Wireguided LLC

4 Brook Street

Suite 20

Scituate, MA 02050



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